England - Periods - Tudor



The Tudor period is one of the more recogizable periods of English history with some of the most dynamic monarchs striding the stage of that memoriable landscape. Henry the VIII, Elizabeth I, Thomas Moore, and all of Henry's wives tend to overwhelm us with their stories and the drama of the age. This sometimes hids the other big stories of that age which was the development of Parliament and the entrenchment of the rule of law along with the angilizaton of the written and spoken word, the reformation, the production of english religious works and the shift of the economy.

These stoires are all apparent in the actions and lives of the Kings and Queens but all so through the religious leaders, the law makers, the phiilosophers, the explorers and of course the people.

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The defeat of Richard the III by Henry of Richmond, Henry VII, brought the Tudors to power.
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John Cabot

England's first foray into world exploration and colonial expansion was to Canada and the new world.
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Henry VIII

The great leader of the reformation, the motivator of economic change and legal development.
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Catherine of Aragon

Henry's first wife and one of the factors leading to the schism with Rome
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The Mary Rose

England's rise as a seafaring power and the world power began during this period and with the Mary Rose
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Battle of Flodden

The great battle between Scotland and England which solidified relations between the two during Henry's reign
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Thomas More

Moore was the great consciense of Henry's reign and one of the great supports of the new Humanist ...
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Cardinal Wolsley

The man who brought order and method to English government which led to a revolution in many ways
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Field of Gold

A spectacular meeting of two great kings, Henry and Francis in a Hollywood like setting of the age.
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Anne Boleyn

The women who won a religious revolution and lost her head was a key figure in England's history
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The Great Question

Henry sturggled with his Catholisim while trying to find an answer to a difficult question of divorce.
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Church of England

A break with Rome and the establishment of a national church took England in a different direction.
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Anne Beheaded

The great drama of Henry's reign ended in an execution, a marriage and a new church.
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Closing of Monasteries

The termination of the monistaries was a religious and economic transformation.
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Pilgramage of Grace

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Jane Seymour

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Henry's Wives

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Battle-Solway Moss

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Edward VI

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Common Prayer

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Jane Grey

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Bloody Mary

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Great Rebuilding

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Elizabeth I

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Francis Drake

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Throckmorton Plot

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Mary Queen-Scots

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Spanish Armada

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East India Company

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The Poor Law

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Elizabeth Dies

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